Studio Makking en Bey: Droog Design Stand Beurs Milaan
Ontwerp: Studio Jurgen Bey i.s.m. Claus Wiersma. 
Interieur en inrichting de stand van Droog Design in Milaan Droog Design.
In our presentation in Milan in 2009, Droog introduced ‘House of furniture parts’ by Studio Makkink en Bey, a development of the studio’s Stairhouse in our newly opened New York store. “It is a system that starts from the designer but grows into the culture where it is locally produced, and therefore, it makes me very curious how it will look in five years,” says Jurgen Bey
Van 2009-04-22 tot 2009-04-27
Divers interieur de beursstand inclusief inrichting.
Freelancers: Claus Wiersma, Jochem Klarenbeek